
Our Services

Our services include carpet cleaning, rugs cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, and steam cleaning. We use the most efficient products with the utmost precision to satisfy our customers and give them a once in a lifetime experience. What makes our services stand out is our expert team. We take care of everything from ink and wine stains to mud and dust deposits. We leave your worn out and unclean carpets, tiles, and rugs flawless as if they were new. We urge you to not just trust in our words and guarantees but let us show you our talents by asking about one our specials we have going on.

What is Carpet cleaning?

Carpet cleaning is performed to remove stains, dirt, and allergens from carpets. Common methods include hot water extraction and stain removal.

The hot water soil extraction cleaning method uses a truck mounted cleaner requiring long hoses from a truck or trailer. The common process of hot water extraction begins with preconditioning, extraction is, the most important step in the hot water extraction process. A specialty extraction tool then removes the detergent along with trapped dirt and debris. Steam extraction then removes the foam and trapped dirt. Since the hot-water extraction method uses much more water than other methods extra use of fans, de-humidifiers, and/or outdoor ventilation are required.

When you have severe water damage it’s time for an emergency Carpet cleaning. Carpet Cleaners Fontana got you covered. Water damage can be devastating to a homeowner’s carpets. If carpets stay wet for 72 hours or longer you might consider replacing it. If Carpet Cleaners Fontana are able to come before this time frame the carpet has a great chance of being restored. For the best carpet cleaning services call now to get an instant quote 909.417.6142.

Additional Services:

 Upholstery Cleaning Process

  • We test upholstery fabric for colorfastness.
  • We apply a special environmentally safe pre-treatment that penetrates deep into the fabric to lift the spots and stains from the fabric so they can be removed with the next cleaning process.
  • We use a hot water extraction process that is much like the method we use for  carpet cleaning.
  • We use hot water extraction to remove any residual cleaner.
  • We can apply protective treatment  like we do for rug cleaning.

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